Academic further education

Mega trends like knowledge-based society, globalisation and the constant transition are challenges that academic institutions, the employment system and the whole society have to face today and in the future. An academic education at the beginning of the career is the basis for facing new challenges. But if you want to actively shape the future, the continuous professionalization within the meaning of lifelong learning is meanwhile not to be replaced in many fields of employment. Universities receive a special role in society because of research and teaching performance. For that reason, Cevet deals with key challenges as well as current and future-oriented concepts to meet the growing needs of an academic further education.

  • Workshops
  • Kollegiale Beratungs- und Austauschformate
  • Einblicke in aktuelle Wissenschaft-Praxiskooperationen
  • Expertisen und Handreichungen zu aktuellen Themen der Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte
  • Fachvorträge
  • Fachkonferenzen


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Dr. Heike Kundisch

Wirtschafts- und Berufspädagogik

Projektleitung SeiP / Schulentwicklung

Write email +49 5251 60-5714