
Cevet sees itself as an international centre of competence for the exploration of questions and for the professionalisation in dealing with challenges concerning Vocational Education. Central importance is given to the integration of stakeholders with different perspectives on a given problem. The target groups of Cevet are experts of Vocational Education and institutions that deal directly or indirectly with issues and challenges of Vocational Education.

Our guiding questions

  • How can the quality of teaching and learning be improved in vocational education institutions? (projects on Vocational Education, clarification of key issues etc.) 
  • How can the diagnosis and the development of competence of disadvantaged groups of people be addressed? 
  • Which challenges for the Vocational Education arise from megatrends like globalisation and the transition to a knowledge society? (Development of competence, lifelong learning, further academic education etc.) 
  • What potential do (do not) new media offer and which steps are necessary to make the potential usable for the Vocational Education? 
  • What are the prospective challenges that have already been taken into account in current research issues?
  • How do Vocational Building Systems in the world look like and what are we able to learn of each other? 

Cevet deals with above-mentioned and further issues.