Ex­per­i­ence Ger­man for spe­cif­ic pur­poses: B2/C1

German for specific purposes is aimed at international students, doctoral students, Paderborn University academics and exchange students from partner universities who use German as a foreign language at university and in their professional environment.

  • Each course comprises 30 teaching units (UE).
  • If you successfully complete the course, you will receive 3 ECTS per course.
  • You are welcome to take part in several courses in the course of a semester.
  • You will be informed by the lecturers about how the lessons are organised and how you can earn credit for successful participation.

A minimum language level of B2.1 in German is required.


Placement test

  • If you already have German language skills but have not yet completed a German course at Paderborn University, you must take a placement test before enrolling.
  • The test takes place online via KOMO: detailed instructions.
  • Please note the deadlines in KOMO.

Course dates

Course description

Course number

Wed, 9 Oct. 2024 [14:00] - Wed, 29 Jan. 2025 [15:30]

Speaking Practice? Yes please! - for language level B2 and higher

This seminar is aimed at students who have already completed a B2.1 course and would like to further improve their language skills with a focus on oral expression. In the seminar, we discuss newspaper articles on various topics and deepen the following fields of oral communication, which are typical in a university context:

  • Automating useful means of speech (expressing one's opinion, responding, enquiring, etc.)
  • Improving pronunciation
  • strategies that help to increase fluency when speaking.

from 17.10.24

Thu, 17 Oct 2024 [09:00] - Thu, 23 Jan 2025 [12:45]

Experience German (B2/C1): Exploring your own subject linguistically



from 15.10.24

Tue, 15 Oct 2024 [14:15] - Tue, 21 Jan 2025 [17:45]

Experience German (B2/C1): Academic writing with pleasure

Wed, 9 Oct. 2024 [14:15] - Wed, 29 Jan. 2025 [17:45]

Experience German (B2/C1): Out of the seminar room - into the internship

Tue, 8 Oct. 2024 [09:15] - Tue, 21 Jan. 2025 [12:45]

Experience German (B2/C1): Working with biographies and getting inspiration

Tue, 4 Feb. 2025 [09:15] - Tue, 25 Mar. 2025 [12:45]

Experience German (B2/C1): Creating contributions for podcasts, blogs and co. (with excursion)

Fri, 25 Oct 2024 [09:00] - Fri, 24 Jan 2025 [13:00]

Experience German (B2/C1): Exploring Paderborn and the surrounding area linguistically (with excursion)

Wed, 16 Oct. 2024 [16:15] - Wed, 26 Mar. 2025 [17:45]

German (A1-C1): Learning strategies and autonomous learning


If you have any further questions about the semester courses that have not been answered above, please send them to us by e-mail: deutschkurse@upb.de


Office hours:

Tue 2 - 3 pm (N1.344)

business-card image

Maren Schoenfelder

Zentrum für Sprachlehre

Teacher for German as a foreign language

Write email +49 5251 60-4108

Stu­dent as­sist­ants

Sylvia Diane Nganou
Niklas Steuber
