Writ­ing and learn­ing centre for Ger­man

for international students and academics

What and for whom is the writing training?

The 2- or 3-day writing training is a workshop for anyone who wants to improve their writing skills in German. The workshop is led by trained student writing consultants.


The writing training is aimed at international students, doctoral candidates, Paderborn University academics, exchange students from partner universities and German learners on DSH courses.


What do we do there?

In open dialogue with each other and in individual, pair and group exercises, we will work on creative writing exercises or our own writing projects. The aim is to develop writing routines. The following questions, for example, will be answered:

  • How does writing become a habit?
  • What is the best way to start writing a text?
  • How do I find good ideas?
  • How do I organise my thoughts?
  • How do I structure my text?
  • How do I motivate myself to write?


When does the writing training course take place and how can I register?

The next writing training will take place on the following dates

Wed, 16th October 2024, 2pm - 4:30pm

Fri, 18th October 2024, 2pm - 4:30pm

Tue, the 22nd of October 2024, 2pm - 4:30pm


You can send your registration by email to SuLT@kw.uni-paderborn.de (subject: writing training).

What is Schreibzeit and who is it for?

Schreibzeit is a writing group for anyone who would like to improve their writing skills in German and work regularly in a group on their own writing projects from everyday university life. The writing group is led by trained student writing consultants.


The writing time is aimed at international students, doctoral students, Paderborn University academics, exchange students from partner universities and German learners on DSH courses.


What do we do there?

In open dialogue with each other and in individual, pair and group exercises, we will get to know a weekly writing strategy and work on creative writing tasks or our own writing project from everyday university life. We will work on a joint writing project.


The aim is to give you ideas for writing and to support you with your problems.


When does the writing time take place and how can I register?

The next writing time will take place on Wednesdays from 2:15pm to 4:45pm on the following dates in Mersinweg:

23/10/2024; 30/10/2024; 06/11/2024; 13/11/2024; 27/11/2024; 04/12/2024.


No registration is necessary, you can just turn up.

Stu­dents writ­ing con­sult­ants

Nicole von Prondzinski
Katrin Nötzel
Katharina Rechenberg
Malin Müller
Tarek Borghoff
