Holiday programs during school holidays
Since 1999, Paderborn University has held holiday programs on campus for children of staff and students during the school holidays.
These programs are designed to satisfy the criterion set out by the “Family-friendly University” initiative aimed at helping staff and students with children juggle work/studies and childcare. The camps also help get children of university parents interested in, or help consolidate their existing interest in STEM subjects.
The activities on offer vary and cover a broad spectrum of chemistry, physics, electrical engineering and art-based activities. Parents can register their “little researchers” for the sessions that best match their specific interests. The camps thereby offer children the chance to experience the university not just as the place where their parents go to work or study, but also as a family-friendly institution with much to discover, explore and learn.
Since 2011, the university’s holiday camp programs have also included external activities, with participating children now also able to enjoy experiential education and forest school activities. In summer 2015, the “coolMINT” schools STEM lab, based at the Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum (HNF), became the latest addition to Paderborn University’s holiday camp fun. You can find further information on the university’s holiday camps and their 20th anniversary in puz 2-2019/2020.
The holiday programs are held in the second week of the Easter and autumn holidays and in the first and second week of the summer holidays. The camps’ activities are aimed at children aged between 6 and 12.
Wichtiger Hinweis
Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich das Angebot ausschließlich an Mitarbeiter*innen und Student*innen der Universität Paderborn richtet. Die detaillierten Seiten der Kinderferienfreizeiten sind daher nur aus dem Universitäts-Netz erreichbar.
Kinderferienfreizeiten im Jahr 2025
In den Osterferien 2025 findet vom 22. bis zum 25. April eine Ferienfreizeit statt. Weitere Informationen zur Anmeldung sowie zu den Angeboten in den Osterferien finden Sie in Kürze hier.
In den Sommerferien 2025 findet in den ersten beiden Ferienwochen eine Ferienfreizeit statt. Weitere Informationen zur Anmeldung sowie zu den Angeboten in den Sommerferien finden Sie zu gegebener Zeit hier.
In den Herbstferien 2025 findet in der zweiten Ferienwoche eine Ferienfreizeit statt. Weitere Informationen zur Anmeldung sowie zu den Angeboten in den Herbstferien finden Sie zu gegebener Zeit hier.
Children's holiday camps in 2024
A holiday camp will take place during the 2024 easter holidays from 2nd to 5th april. Further information on registration and the offers during the easter holidays can be found here.
In den Herbstferien fand vom 21. bis 25. Oktober 2024 eine Ferienfreizeit statt.
Detaillierte Informationen zum Herbstferienprogramm finden Sie hier.