Mentoring for female doctoral candidates

In order to motivate women to pursue a career in academia beyond their doctorate and to inspire them to become professors, Paderborn University initiated the mentoring programme for female doctoral candidates in 2008. Here, qualified female doctoral candidates are brought together with experienced female professors in a one-to-one relationship in order to gain first-hand experience and receive individual and practical support. Among other things, the mentors provide advice on career planning and give constructive feedback on performance and skills. They explain the unwritten "rules of the game" of the academic world and facilitate access to professional and specialist networks. The programme also includes accompanying qualification measures and internal network meetings for the participating doctoral candidates.
Contact us

Coordinator - Mentoring-Programme für Doktorandinnen
Office: H4.323
Phone: +49 5251 60-3098
Web: Homepage
Programme management

Member - Project Leader A05, C01, C04, RTG
Office: H4.129
Phone: +49 5251 60-2900
Web: Homepage

Equal Opportunities Officer - Central Equal Opportunities Officer
Office: E2.103
Phone: +49 5251 60-3724
Web: Homepage