Control instruments

The aim of Paderborn University's equal opportunities policy is the equal participation of women and men at all levels of the university and a gender-equitable distribution of resources. In order to prevent or reduce gender-specific discrimination and increase the proportion of women at Paderborn University, various management tools have been implemented at the university.

Gender equal­ity con­cepts

As part of the federal and state programme for female professors, an equal opportunities concept was drawn up for Paderborn University for the first time in 2008. In order to continue along this successful path, Paderborn University will continue the gender equality strategy of recent years. The university management has therefore decided to continue the gender equality concept beyond 2013 until 2018.

In 2009, the University received the Gender Prize of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia for the best gender equality concept.

Further information on the equality concepts

Equal­ity plans

In order to work towards the actual implementation of equal rights for women and men in all status and employee groups, to reduce structural disadvantages and to utilise the existing potential for research and teaching equally, a framework plan for gender equality at Paderborn University is adopted with a validity period of three years. On the basis of the framework plan, the faculties, the central institutions and the administration of Paderborn University draw up specific equality plans (formerly: women's promotion plans) for the respective fields with concrete targets and timelines as well as measures to increase the proportion of women.

Further information on the equality plans

Gender-sens­it­ive lan­guage - im­ple­ment­a­tion at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

On 12 June 2019, the Presidential Board of Paderborn University decided to use the gender star for gender-sensitive language in all public documents of Paderborn University until further notice (adoption of a legal basis at state or federal level).

Further information on gender-sensitive language can be found here.

Re­search-ori­ent­ated equal­ity and di­versity stand­ards

In March 2009, Paderborn University wrote and submitted a statement on the implementation of the DFG's "Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality and Diversity". In this statement, Paderborn University reports on existing measures to implement equal opportunities in research and sets out further future measures, particularly with regard to the promotion of young female academics. In 2010, Paderborn University's equal opportunities concept was unanimously categorised by the DFG as "exemplary" at the highest implementation level, stage 4. In 2011, the interim report and in 2013 the final report of Paderborn University on the implementation of the "Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality and Diversity" were also classified by the DFG in the highest evaluation level.

Further information on the research-oriented equality and diversity standards

Fund­ing as part of the equal op­por­tun­it­ies concept

In order to increase the proportion of women in academia at Paderborn University, the measures "Institution of a 0.5 WiMi position/staffing pool for female graduates" (funding line 1), "Support for female habilitation candidates and junior professors through WHK funds" (funding line 2) and "Incentive system to increase the proportion of women in professorships" (funding line 3) were newly established or stabilised in the 2008-2013 gender equality concept.

Further information on funding within the framework of the equal opportunities concept

Tar­get agree­ments to in­crease the pro­por­tion of wo­men in sci­ence

The Presidential Board of Paderborn University has concluded target agreements on gender equality with the five faculties for the period from 2014 to 2017. The target agreements are intended to serve both as an incentive system for increasing the proportion of women and for quality assurance.

Further information on the target agreements to increase the proportion of women in academia


Audit Family-Friendly University

On 22 November 2005, Paderborn University underwent the audit family-friendly university and was awarded a certificate as the first university in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

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Audit Diversity-Friendly University

On 15 March 2023, berufundfamilie’s board of trustees awarded Paderborn University with the audit certificate.

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Paderborn University received the TOTAL E-QUALITY award for its equal opportunities-oriented personnel policy for the first time in 2009.

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Diversity Charter & Association

In October 2011, Paderborn University signed the Diversity Charter.

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Charter for the Reconciliation of Career and Care

In April 2023, Paderborn University signed the Charter for reconciliation of career and care.

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[Translate to English:] Logo Zertifikat „audit familiengerechte hochschule“
Logo "audit vielfaltgerechte hochschule" certificate
Logo of the "TOTAL E-QUALITY" initiative
Logo of the "Charter of Diversity" voluntary commitment
Charter on Reconciliation of Work and Care