Day of Teaching and Learning

Improving the quality of teaching and studying is a central task of higher education policy that Paderborn University is also committed to.

In order to present, disseminate, discuss and further develop the numerous and diverse activities in the field of teaching, an annual "Day of Teaching and Learning" has been organised since 2012. This serves as a public university platform to communicate and discuss excellent projects and day-to-day experiences. In particular, goals, approaches and perspectives are discussed and transfer opportunities are explored.

With the "Day of Teaching and Learning", Paderborn University wants to make it clear that excellent teaching is a central concern and a key element of its profile. The event is therefore aimed at teaching staff, students and employees of the university, who can present and familiarise themselves with current projects and discuss the current teaching situation constructively and critically as part of the one-day event.

Against the background of a central theme, keynote speeches, panel discussions, round tables, DisQspaces and poster sessions will provide impulses for 'good' teaching, present innovative teaching concepts and discuss central topics of everyday university teaching. The "Day of Teaching and Learning" will also see the awarding of university didactic certificates and the E-Learning Label.

Tag der Lehre 2024

Der zwölfte Tag der Lehre behandelte das Leithema "Barrieren abbauen, Zugänge ermöglichen – Barrierefreiheit, Diversität und Vielfalt als Chance für innovative Lehre".

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Day of Teaching and Learning 2023

The motto of Day of Teaching and Learning 2023 was "Teaching to the Test? - Designing examination and study achievements in a meaningful way".

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Day of Teaching and Learning 2022

The Day of Teaching and Learning 2022 took place as a joint conference with "Inverted classroom and beyond". The motto was "Student engagement - promoting active participation of students in studies and school"

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Day of Teaching and Learning 2021

The main theme of the 9th Paderborn University Day of Teaching and Learning was "Heterogeneity in university teaching. New opportunities through digitalisation?"

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Day of Teaching and Learning 2019

Under the motto "Enter here -> Promoting the ability to study in the introductory phase", the 2019 Day of Teaching and Learning offered the opportunity to take an in-depth look at the introductory phase of studies in the form of workshops and round tables.

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Day of Teaching and Learning 2018

Under the motto "Digital Teaching", the 2018 Day of Teaching and Learning provided a forum for exchanging ideas and discussing the opportunities and potential, but also the challenges and limitations of using digitalisation in teaching and e-learning methods in courses at a face-to-face university.

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Day of Teaching and Learning 2017

At this year's Day of Teaching and Learning, there was increased discussion about what could be done to specifically train students for their future careers. The conference offered the opportunity to identify requirements and - in line with this year's motto - to pave the way and shape teaching.

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Day of Teaching and Learning 2016

The 2016 Day of Teaching and Learning under the motto "The future of university teaching - experiences after Bologna" focussed on the associated challenges.

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Day of Teaching and Learning 2015

From 3 March to 6 March 2015, the 44th annual conference of the German Association for University Didactics took place at Paderborn University at the same time as the Day of Teaching and Learning. The motto of the conference was "University Didactics in Dialogue".

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Day of Teaching and Learning 2014

The theme of the Day of Teaching and Learning on 11 February 2014 was "Planning, developing and implementing degree programmes".

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Day of Teaching and Learning 2013

"Teaching in times of high student numbers": How we at UPB should and want to deal with this pleasant and not always easy situation efficiently and in a way that promotes learning is the topic of the Day of Teaching and Learning 2013.

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Day of Teaching and Learning 2012

In 2012, the Day of Teaching and Learning was held under the title "Heterogeneity as an opportunity".

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