An­nu­al group "Col­legi­al coun­selling and su­per­vi­sion"

The Central Equal Opportunities Officer offers an annual "Collegial Counselling and Supervision" group for (junior) female professors.

This interdisciplinary group provides the opportunity for ongoing reflection and discussion of all leadership and positioning topics relevant to the participants as well as the opportunity to present specific questions and cases from their own leadership practice and to find constructive solutions together. This involves changing perspectives and reflecting on one's own (leadership) behaviour. The supervisor's view "from the outside" enables the group to work out solutions independently under methodical guidance. Topics such as communication, personnel management, conflict management, career planning, self-management and power in the university context as well as individual questions are brought in by the participants in the form of concrete situations and questions from their everyday work. The aims include expanding the repertoire of action and communication skills, developing suitable solutions and expanding the collegial network.

The exchange and work is based on a confidentiality agreement.

The group is accompanied by Alexandra Busch as a supervisor and source of inspiration. Alexandra Busch has been working freelance for universities for 25 years, specialising in leadership and leadership communication in academia, unconscious bias and diversity management, and leadership and power in the university context. She is a systemic coach for university presidents and professors and an expert in team and organisational development at universities.

Here you can find the dates of the current annual group "Collegial Counselling and Supervision".