Awards and hon­ours

Through its equal opportunities activities, Paderborn University has taken important steps towards improving equal opportunities for women and men in recent years.

The success of its equal opportunities policy has been recognised by numerous awards:

Re­search-ori­ented equal­ity stand­ards of the DFG

In 2010, the DFG unanimously categorised Paderborn University's gender equality concept as "exemplary" in the highest implementation level 4 as part of the implementation of the DFG's "Research-oriented gender equality standards". Paderborn University's interim report (2011) and final report (2013) on the implementation of the "Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality" were also categorised by the DFG in the highest evaluation level. The DFG thus recognises Paderborn University's continuation of an already successfully established concept, which is supplemented by further innovative approaches.

Further information on the DFG's research-oriented equality standards and the development of equality standards in recent years can be found here.

Awards and hon­ours

Blossoming cherry tree in front of Paderborn University.

Wo­men pro­fess­ors pro­gramme

UPB's gender equality concept received a positive assessment as part of the Female Professors Programme I. This enabled funding to be obtained for the five-year financing of three newly appointed female professors. UPB also successfully participated in the continuation of the Women Professors Programme II and III and received funding.

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Paderborn University was awarded the Total E-Quality award in 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018 and 2021. The award is given for exemplary action in terms of personnel management geared towards equal opportunities. Paderborn University also received the additional Diversity award for the second time in a row in 2021.

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audit fam­ily-friendly uni­ver­sity

In 2005, Paderborn University was the first university in North Rhine-Westphalia to receive the basic certificate "family-friendly university" by participating in the "audit family-friendly university" organised by Beruf und Familie gGmbH. The audit was confirmed by successful re-audits in 2008, 2012, 2015, 2018 and 2022.

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Gender prize for "Gender-equit­able uni­ver­sity con­cepts"

In 2009, the University was awarded the Gender Prize of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia with an endowment of €100,000 for the best gender equality concept.

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charter of di­versity

By signing this pledge in October 2011, Paderborn University is committed to valuing all employees equally. Aspects such as gender, gender identity, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, ideology, disability, age, sexual orientation or identity should not lead to discrimination.

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Ca­reer and care charter

The Charter for Reconciling Work and Care recognises companies, authorities and organisations in North Rhine-Westphalia that take special account of the needs of their employees with relatives in need of care.

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