Workplace accidents

According to the definition of § 36 of the Civil Servant Benefits Act (LBeamtVG), a workplace accident is “an incident causing bodily injury that occurs suddenly in the course of or as a result of the performance of duties due to external factors and that is distinct both in terms of time and location.”

This also includes business trips, off-site work, participation in official events and travel between home and work.

The prerequisite for entitlement to accident benefits is official classification of an accident as an workplace accident by the highest administrative authority (here: the Executive Board). To this end, an accident report, and in the case of an accident between home and work, a commuting accident report, must be filled out as soon as possible and sent to the Human Resources department - Division 4.2 via the official channels. Please also submit the relevant notification form to your HR representative. Accidents that may result in claims for accident benefits must be reported within a period of 2 years after the accident (§ 54 of the LBeamtVG). By way of derogation, a period of 3 months after the accident applies for the assertion of claims for material damage (optional benefit).

If a civil servant is injured as a result of a workplace accident, they will be entitled to accident benefits pursuant to the LBeamtVG. This includes, among other things, medical treatment (in particular medical and hospital expenses, medication). Any expenses incurred in connection with a workplace accident will be reimbursed in full insofar as they are necessary and reasonable. An assertion of claims is not permitted within the scope of an application for state subsidies. The (private) health insurance company must also be informed.

The Request for accident benefits form must be used to submit a claim for treatment expenses or for any other expenses incurred as a result of a workplace accident. Compensation can be paid out only after the accident has been officially classified as a workplace accident.

If you have any questions, please contact your HR representative in Division 4.2.


- Accident report
- Commuting accident report
- Request for accident benefits
- Workplace accident notification form