Research and teaching allowances

Professors in positions that fall under State Pay Scale Regulation W who raise funding from private third parties for research or teaching projects at the university and carry out these projects may be granted an allowance for the duration of the flow of third-party funds from these funding sources, provided the external funding provider has expressly earmarked specific funds for this purpose. An allowance may be granted only if, in addition to the other costs of the research or teaching project, the allowance amounts are also covered by the third-party funding (§ 62 of the North Rhine-Westphalia Pay Scale Law (LBesG NRW)).

Applications for allowances must be made using the form below.

If you have any questions regarding research and teaching allowances, please contact Ms Dunja Denecke on 05251 60-5361 or Ms Theresa Bickmann on 05251 60-2532.