Amend­ment to the Ger­man Aca­dem­ic Fixed-Term Con­tract Act (Wis­sZeitVG)

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the German Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act (WissZeitVG) has been supplemented by a transitional provision in § 7, Para. 3 of the WissZeitVG.

This legal provision applies to academic pay-scale employees who are employed within the scope of their objective to gain a specific academic qualification (qualification phase).

The extent to which use is made of the option to extend the employment contract depends on a variety of factors and must be decided upon on a case-by-case basis. The relevant supervisor must submit a request to this end.

If you have any questions regarding the various different employment contracts, please contact the Human Resources department, Division 4.2

You can also find further information on this here.