2.2 European and National Research Funding and Planning, Legal Aspects of Research
Head of department | |||
Research Officer | B2.339 | 60-4642 | |
Dr. Katharina König (Deputy) | EU Liaison Officer | A3.229 | 60-2562 |
Employees |
General Administrative Matters | B2.235 | 60-2549 | |
EU Liaison Officer | A3.223 | 60-2568 | |
Research Officer | B2.229 | 60-4560 | |
Patent Officer | A3.226 | 60-2068 | |
Research Officer | A3.229 | 60-4411 | |
Christina Nolte | Legal Advisor | A3.226 | 60-2520 |
Office Committee for Research and Junior Academics | B2.336 | 60-5216 | |
Research Officer | A3.242 | 60-2078 | |
Legal Advisor | A3.219 | 60-2851 | |
Alina Warkentin | General Administrative Matters | B2.336 | 60-3704 |
Learn more about our services and the corresponding contacts
Katharina Patz, B2.336, 60 - 5216
- Office of the Senate Committee for Research and Junior Academics
- Information on funding programmes of the FK, assistance with applications and processing of funding applications
- Advice on internal research funding through the research reserves
- Funds management of the research reserve
- Advice on applications in the field of internal scholarships according to the Scholarship Framework Directive of Paderborn University, issuing of scholarship approvals
Dr. Daniela Hartmann, B2.229, 60 - 4560
- Grants in kind, Collaborative Research Centers/Transregios, Research Training Groups
Dr. Silke Corall, B2.339, 60 - 4642
- Programs for scientists in early career phases (Walter-Benjamin, Emmy-Noether, Heisenberg program)
Dr. Daniela Hartmann, B2.229, 60 - 4560
- Faculties NW, KW
Nadine Müller, A3.229, 60 - 4411
- Faculty MB. EIM, WiWi
Jutta Deppe, A3.226, 60 - 2568
- Inter-faculty projects with European consortia (e.g. ERA-Net, ITEA)
Dr. Anna Reinacher, A3.242, 60 - 2078
- Cross-faculty: Promotion of start-ups
Dr. Daniela Hartmann, B2.229, 60 - 4560
Dr. Daniela Hartmann, B2.229, 60 - 4560
Dr. Anna Reinacher, A3.242, 60 - 2078
- for Start-up Transfer.NRW
Dr. Daniela Hartmann, B2.229, 60 - 4560
- IGF all faculties
Dr. Olaf Klatt, A3.223, 60 - 2068
--> find out more
Dr. Katharina König, B2.339, 60 - 2562
- Key Action 2 - Cooperation between organisations and institutions (Cooperation Partnerships)
- Key Action 3 - Support for Policy Development and Policy Cooperation (Jean Monnet Actions)
For programmes of Key Action 1 - Learning Mobility of Individuals, please contact the International Office
Jutta Deppe, A3.223, 60 - 2568
Dr. Katharina König, B2.339, 60 - 2562
Jutta Deppe, A3.223, 60 - 2568
- PRIME Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience
- Research fellowships for postdoctoral researchers
- Bilateral Researcher Exchange
- Programme of Project-related Personnel Exchange (PPP) with various partner countries
Dr. Daniela Hartmann, B2.229, 60 - 4560
Dr. Anna Reinacher, A3.242, 60 - 2078
- Contact person for start-up matters within the ZV
- Information and co-advice on funding programmes for start-ups
Dr. Olaf Klatt, A3.226, 60 - 2068
- Legal advice on research projects, binational doctorates, transfers and patents
Christina Nolte, A3.226, 60 - 2520
- Cooperation agreements / subcontracts in connection with publicly funded research projects (e.g. BMBF, ZIM)
- for the faculties MB, NW and WiWi - Cooperation agreements in connection with it's owl projects
- for all faculties - Non-disclosure agreements in connection with research projects
- for the faculties MB, NW and WiWi - Binational and bilateral doctoral agreements
- Matters in the field of German language courses
- Contractual issues relating to cooperation agreements with foreign universities
- Legal questions on (grant) contracts of the DAAD, MKW etc.
Caterina Scheiing, A3.219, 60 - 2851
- Cooperation agreements / subcontracts in connection with publicly funded research projects (e.g. BMBF, ZIM)
- for the faculties EIM and KW - Cooperation agreements in connection with ERDF projects
- for all faculties - Non-disclosure agreements in connection with research projects
- for the faculties EIM and KW - Legal questions in connection with the university's patent affairs / technology transfer
- Legal issues relating to electoral law / election regulations for the Senate and Faculty Councils
- Legal matters relating to the Research Training Groups, SFBs and Research Groups
You can find more information here
Further information on research funding
We offer a wide range of services for applying for funding from various funding bodies. This ranges from individual counselling and funding research to application support and information events and workshops. You can find further information here