A warm wel­come...

...on the website of the Komptenzzentrum Schreiben, the writing centre for academic writing for students, researchers, and lecturers at Paderborn University.

Our services include workshops on different phases of the academic writing process, individual writing consultations and various writing events and group formats.

We offer students, PhD students, and lecturers from all faculties the opportunity to deal intensively with individual and subject-specific features of academic writing and to exchange ideas with other writers.

Aca­dem­ic writ­ing in...

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All events in a nut­shell

Together you write less alone! All our events in a nutshell: Short workshops on all aspects of the academic reading and writing process, one-day workshops for an intensive examination of your own writing project, motivating writing events, further education and application formats for writing in teaching and much more.

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Stu­dent writ­ing coun­selling

Advice from students for students, because talking about writing always gets far too little attention. Familiar with the ups and downs of academic writing and trained in writing methods, we, Luca, Jennifer and Zoé, advise students from all disciplines.

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What is writ­ing coun­selling?

Writing counselling can look very different. At the Competence Centre for Writing, we work according to a solution-focused, systemic approach and develop individual solutions together with academic writers that also work in the respective specialist cultural context.

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Train­ing as a stu­dent writ­ing con­sult­ant

As a student writing consultant, you need knowledge and skills in writing didactics and counselling. In our one-year training programme, you can acquire many skills that are not only important for writing consultations, but are also helpful in many other contexts.

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Our writ­ing days

The writing days are an invitation to everyone to put an end to procrastination and postponement. Because it's better to write together than alone. Every spring, the great working atmosphere and the varied programme at the Writing Days entice students and doctoral candidates to work on their projects in a concentrated and enjoyable way.

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Which of­fer suits me?

Not sure which offer is right for you? We are happy to help. You can reach our entire team at kompetenzzentrum.schreiben@upb.de.


Stets auf dem Laufenden bleiben? Aktuelle Infos und Termine gibt es über unseren Newsletter!

„Sprecht mehr über das Schreiben! Im Austausch mit anderen Schreibenden versteht man erst, dass viele dieselben Fragen haben wie man selbst. Und oft auch schon einen guten Tipp, diese Fragen anzugehen...”

Dr. Andrea Karsten,
Koordinatorin des Kompetenzzentrums Schreiben