Re­spons­ible clerks in ex­am­in­a­tion man­age­ment

Teach­er train­ing pro­grammes

Study programme Persons (please click on the name for details)
Teaching degree programme at vocational colleges - Affine subject areas Master (surnames A-K) Anne Großöhme
Teaching Qualification for Vocational Colleges - Affine Subject Areas Master (surnames L-Z) Thomas Fornefeld
Teaching Qualification for Vocational Colleges - Business Education Master (surnames A-K) Anne Großöhme
Teaching Qualification for Vocational Colleges - Business Education Master (surnames L-Z) Thomas Fornefeld
Teaching profession at vocational colleges Bachelor Christiane Lemmens, Doris Jakobi
Teaching at Vocational Colleges Master (surnames A-K) Anne Großöhme
Teaching at Vocational Colleges Master (surnames L-Z) Thomas Fornefeld
Teaching degree at primary schools Bachelor Christiane Lemmens, Doris Jakobi
Teaching degree in primary schools Master (surnames A-K) Anne Großöhme
Primary School Teacher Training Master (surnames L-Z) Thomas Fornefeld
Teaching degree for grammar schools and comprehensive schools Bachelor Christiane Lemmens, Doris Jakobi
Teaching degree programme for grammar schools and comprehensive schools Master (surnames A-K) Anne Großöhme
Teaching degree for grammar schools and comprehensive schools Master (surnames L-Z) Thomas Fornefeld
Teaching degree programme at Hauptschulen, Realschulen, secondary schools and comprehensive schools Bachelor Christiane Lemmens, Doris Jakobi
Teaching degree programme at Hauptschulen, Realschulen, secondary schools and comprehensive schools Master's degree (surnames A-K) Anne Großöhme
Teaching degree programme at Hauptschulen, Realschulen, secondary schools and comprehensive schools Master's degree (surnames L-Z) Thomas Fornefeld
Teaching special needs education Bachelor's degree Christiane Lemmens, Doris Jakobi
Teaching special needs education Master's degree (surnames A-K) Anne Großöhme
Teaching special needs education Master (surnames L-Z) Thomas Fornefeld

De­gree pro­grammes in cul­tur­al stud­ies (ex­cept teach­ing de­gree)

Study programme Persons (please click on the name for details)
BeNeLux-Studies (Master) (Surnames A-M) Kinan Kandalaft
BeNeLux-Studies (Master) (Surnames N-Z) Astrid Paulus-Frick
English and American Studies (Master) Kinan Kandalaft
Études Européennes/European Studies (Bachelor) Karin Schäfer
German Literature (Master) (surnames A-M) Kinan Kandalaft
German Literary Studies (Master) (surnames N-Z) Astrid Paulus-Frick
Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies (Master) (Surnames A-M) Kinan Kandalaft
Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies (Master) (Surnames N-Z) Astrid Paulus-Frick
Cultural Heritage (Master) (Surnames A-M) Kinan Kandalaft
Cultural Heritage (Master) (Surnames N-Z) Astrid Paulus-Frick
Culture and Society (Master) (Surnames A-M) Kinan Kandalaft
Culture and Society (Master) (Surnames N-Z) Astrid Paulus-Frick
Linguistics (Bachelor, Master) (surnames A-M) Kinan Kandalaft
Linguistics (Bachelor, Master) (Surnames N-Z) Astrid Paulus-Frick
Media Studies (Bachelor, Master) (surnames A-M) Kinan Kandalaft
Media Studies (Bachelor, Master) (Surnames N-Z) Astrid Paulus-Frick
Musicology (Bachelor, Master) Karin Schäfer
Popular Music and Media (Bachelor, Master) Karin Schäfer
PopMediaCulture (Master) Karin Schäfer
Two-subject area (Bachelor) (surnames A-M) Kinan Kandalaft
Two-subject Bachelor (Bachelor) (surnames N-Z) Astrid Paulus-Frick

Study pro­grammes in eco­nom­ics

Study programme Person (please click on the name for details)
Master of Business Administration Jens Eichler
International Business Studies (Bachelor) Please use the e-mail
International Business Studies Master Jens Eichler
International Economics and Management Master Jens Eichler
Management Master Jens Eichler
Management Information Systems Master Jens Eichler
Sports Economics Bachelor Jens Eichler
Taxation, Accounting and Finance Master Jens Eichler
Business Informatics Bachelor Use the e-mail
Business Informatics Master Jens Eichler
Business Education (M. Sc. only) Jens Eichler
Economics Bachelor Juri Andreas

Study pro­grammes in the nat­ur­al sci­ences

Study programme Persons (please click on the name for details)
Applied Sports Science (Bachelor) Astrid Paulus-Frick
Applied Neurosciences in Sports and Exercise (Master) Karin Schäfer
Occupational Health Management (Master) Karin Schäfer
Chemistry (Bachelor, Master) Karin Schäfer
Materials Science (Master) Karin Schäfer
Materials Science (Bachelor) Karin Schäfer
Optoelectronics and Photonics (Master) Karin Schäfer
Physics (Bachelor, Master) Karin Schäfer


Study pro­grammes in mech­an­ic­al en­gin­eer­ing

Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing, Com­puter Sci­ence and Math­em­at­ics de­gree pro­grammes

Study programme Persons (please click on the name for details)
Computer Engineering (Bachelor, Master) (surnames A-K) Ramazan Uysal
Computer Engineering (Bachelor, Master) (surnames L-Z) Ulf Harms-Ensink
Electrical Systems Engineering (Master) (Surnames A-K) Ramazan Uysal
Electrical Systems Engineering (Master) (Surnames L-Z) Ulf Harms-Ensink
Electrical Engineering (Bachelor, Master) (surnames A-K) Petra Guzinski
Electrical Engineering (Bachelor, Master) (surnames L-Z) Sandy Klaholz
Computer Science (Bachelor, Master) (surnames A-K) Ulf Harms-Ensink
Computer Science (Bachelor, Master) (surnames L-Z) Ulf Harms-Ensink
Mathematics (Bachelor, Master) (surnames A-Z) Ulf Harms-Ensink
Technomathematics (Bachelor, Master) (surnames A-Z) Ramazan Uysal


Spe­cial groups

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