Pla­gi­ar­ism as a Learn­ing Op­por­tun­ity

Plagiarism is often seen only as a nuisance misconduct by students, yet it also raises key questions of scholarly practice or points to the fact that important practices are unclear: What is originality or original thought? In whose voice am I speaking as a researcher or as a student? What are the precise expectations of professional communities regarding the originality and provenance of thought in texts, and how do these differ between texts? And what of this applies in teaching? Seeing plagiarism only as student misconduct slows down these central moments of reflection. 

The workshop informs about the very different causes of plagiarism and shows how to support students in acquiring competencies that make copying unnecessary. This acquisition of competencies can also be made fruitful for the courses themselves. 


  • Scholarly, faculty, and student perspectives on plagiarism.
  • Plagiarism as a driver of student learning
  • Writing strategies and text comprehension as preventive factors
  • Document practice and plagiarism in one's own subject and in teaching

Training objectives:

Participants will acquire helpful knowledge and strategies with which they can advise students or design courses in such a way that plagiarism can be largely avoided. They will develop or revise materials for their own courses and plan writing assignments for their own courses.


  • Keynote speeches
  • Group and individual work
  • Collegial exchange


If you have a student text in which there is clumsy quotation or plagiarism, feel free to bring it printed out. Please be sure to black out any information that may give clues about the author. Mark the potential plagiarized material.
If you have informational materials for term papers or theses that you use yourself, bring them with you.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Ingrid Scharlau

Date: The next date will be announced shortly.

Please contact us if you are interested in a bilingual participation (German-English).