Good Pro­spects - A Pre­par­at­ory Work­shop on Sci­entif­ic Writ­ing

They say you're always smarter afterwards than before! This short workshop is about the many little things that you would have liked to know retrospectively before writing your first term paper. For example, what the writing process looks like or what to look out for when making arrangements with your supervisor. Get in the mood for writing your first major scientific text, get an overview in order to be well prepared for your project.

  • The writing process
  • Writing strategies
  • Developing the writing task
  • Scientific texts and disciplinary differences
  • How do I find a good topic?
  • What is the difference between a topic and a research question?
  • Making arrangements with supervisors
  •  Citation conventions

In order to convey the workshop content in the best possible way, we ask you to actively participate and to be willing to interact with other participants. 

The workshop is aimed at students of all disciplines who are about to write their first term paper/seminar paper.

This workshop is a cooperation of the Kompetenzzentrum Schreiben and the Sprach- und Rechtschreibbüro of the University of Paderborn and is organized by Dr. Julia Hüllweg and Dr. Susan Holtfreter.

Contact: Susan Holtfreter

Date: Friday, November 15, 2024 from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. (in presence).

Important: The workshop will be held in German.



For a binding registration, please fill out the form below completely. Please note that we can only process complete registrations!

Important: If the registration form for the workshop does not work or the confirmation email does not arrive, you can also register by sending an email to kompetenzzentrum.schreiben(at)uni-paderborn(dot)de. Simply write all the data required in the registration form (name, e-mail, study program, semester) in the e-mail.