In­form­a­tion­en for ap­plic­ants

The positions to be filled for civil servants are always advertised. The job advertisements can be found here.

The prerequisites for appointment in a civil service relationship are the recruitment requirements necessary for the respective position and the general requirements under civil service law.

A corresponding application for appointment as a civil servant must be submitted by the respective department to the Human Resources Department through official channels.

After receipt of the corresponding application, the recruitment procedure will be carried out by the Personnel Department - Section 4.2.

Please note that applications for recruitment from the department to be recruited must be submitted to the Personnel Department at least 8 weeks before the planned date of recruitment.

Please refer to the information on the German residence permit for academics from non-EU countries provided by the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK).

The arrangements required in connection with the hiring, in particular regarding the hiring date and the determination of steps, are made exclusively by the Human Resources Department.