In­form­a­tion for Em­ploy­ees

Balancing family and work raises many questions. Already during pregnancy, questions arise about maternity protection and financial benefits during this time. But questions about parental leave and parental allowance also occupy many parents-to-be even before the birth of their child.



Ma­ter­nity Pro­tec­tion

Par­ent­al Leave

Par­ent­al Al­low­ance

Reg­u­la­tions on Fixed-Term Con­tracts for Aca­dem­ic Em­ploy­ees

Spe­cif­ic reg­u­la­tions for civil ser­vants

Fam­ily-Friendly Or­gan­isa­tion of Work­ing Place and Time

Con­tact at UPB

If you have any questions about maternity protection and parental leave, you can contact the Family Service Office:

Barbara Pickhardt

Telephone: 05251/ 60-3725
E-mail: barbara.pickhardt(at)upb(dot)de
Office: E2.101

or to the relevant personnel officer.

Formalities (e.g. acceptance of the pregnancy certificate, calculation of maternity protection periods) are handled exclusively in the administration by the personnel administrators.