Wei­er­strass Lec­ture

The Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics organizes the "Weierstrass Lecture in Paderborn" once a year in a ceremonial setting. The series of events is named after Karl Weierstrass (1815-1897). He graduated from the Gymnasium Theodorianum in Paderborn in 1834 as "primus omnium". Weierstrass is considered one of the most important mathematicians of the 19th century.

With the invitation to give a Weierstrass Lecture, the faculty honors internationally outstanding scientists in the field of mathematics. The lecturers are selected by an independent jury.

Previous lecturers:

2022 Prof. Dr. Peter Scholze, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics (winner of the Fields Medal, among others)

2019 Prof. Dr. Akshay Venkatesh, Institute of Advanced Study Princeton (winner of the Fields Medal, among others)

2018 Sir William Timothy Gowers, University of Cambridge (winner of the Fields Medal, among others)

2017 Prof. Dr. Martin Hairer, University of Warwick (winner of the Fields Medal, among others)

2015 Prof. Dr. Wendelin Werner, ETH Zürich (winner of the Fields Medal, among others)

2014 Prof. Dr. Ben Joseph Green, University of Oxford (winner of the Ostrowski Prize, the SASTRA Ramanujan Prize and the European Mathematical Society Prize, among others)

2013 Prof. Dr. Elon Lindenstrauss, Princeton University, Princeton, USA, and Hebrew University of Jerusalem (winner of the Fields Medal, among others)

2012 Prof. Dr. Richard Taylor, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA (winner of the Ostrowski Prize and the Fermat Prize, among others)

2011 Prof. Dr. Gerd Faltings, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics (winner of the Fields Medal, among others)