
Within the idea of professionalization, the individual and its development to the competent overcoming of challenges in its own field of action are focused. Cevet takes up this idea and complements it with the concept of framework conditions, which support the process of professionalisation.

Accordingly, the activities of Cevet do not only bring professionalisation in a conventional understanding into focus, but also the organisation of framework conditions in terms of an interdependent relationship to enable or rather encourage processes of professionalisation. In order to pursue these aims Cevet participates actively in dialogues with some of the decision makers and framers of the practical vocational education in the field, to be able to contribute latest research findings to discussions and decision processes. Likewise, Cevet integrates its partners from projects and formal and informal networks into its own research activities. Corresponding activities are for example workshops, joint didactical fairs or the reflexive and participatory integration into research processes (e.g. by the joint development of conceptions). These activities allow professionalisation not only within formal learning environments but also informally by a lived and reflected collaboration within the Cevet network.