Read­ing to write

Sometimes we read for pleasure, sometimes to learn and sometimes to write our own text.  What actually constitutes "reading to write" and how can it best be accomplished? This workshop is all about the specifics of "reading to write." We will try out different reading and excerpt methods with the aim of being able to best adapt our own approach to our individual reading goals.


  • setting reading goals,
  • excerpting texts in a target-oriented way,
  • How do I get from reading to writing?
  • Why quote text passages?
  • Quote or paraphrase?

Please bring a technical text to the workshop that you have not yet read. You may bring more than one text.

In order to convey the workshop content in the best possible way, we ask you to participate actively and to be willing to interact with other participants.

Contact: Susan Holtfreter

Date: Wednesday, May 22, 2024 from 2 p.m.  to 4.30 p.m. 

Room: C3.212

Important: The workshop will be held in German.


For binding registration, please complete the form below including the following pieces of information: Name, email address, date, course of study, subject(s), semester/year. Please note that we can only process complete registrations.


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